
Monday, August 15, 2005

Piaw Na's blog

Behold the blog of Piaw, with whom I went biking (see earlier post).

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Scavengen Hunt

This was great fun. We ran around SF solving puzzles and taking pictures of where our puzzles had led. The event was run by shinteki.


We made a lego logo. This got much attention. It took about 5 hours of engineer time - 6 of us working on it for the better part of an hour, minus Laura making a dinosaur (will post pic soon..), and me trying to make a sphere (I became impressed with just how hard it is to make a round peg out of square pegs....). I have to put up a closeup to show just what detail it has - serifs, nice rounded curves, follows the shapes of the font correctly.... It's now a prize decoration in Gwendolyn's office, and the others there will take care of it when she leaves. Let the Lego Logo live on.

Picture: back row, L-R: David (aka dfontain), Dave, Fivos, Evan; front: Laura, Gwendolyn, me.

This was at the company "picnic", which was a full-blown carnival. Let it never be said this company doesn't throw good parties, and throw them often.

Great America

A bunch of interns went to Great America on July 30. I think I went on 8 roller coaster rides. It was awesome. But very little beats the sight of Brian in a pink feather hat....

We were also very happy to get cold, thirst-quenching strawberry frosties.

Pics: top: David (dfontain), me, Gwendolyn.
Bottom: Gwendolyn, Brian, me. (See, doesn't he look good in that hat?)